Policy Challanged

Funny story written by Spicewood

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

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Policy Challanged

Ching Mao Woo, with the law firm of Woo, Jablonski, Hidalgo and Schlembechler, announced today that his firm had been retained by a group of employees from the Franklin School of English, located in Washington, D.C., to start proceedings on a lawsuit against the school citing their new "English Only" policy at the school.

Miguel Hernandez, spokesperson for the group, on his press release, stated, "We dont all speek there fuggin language here at the schul, we gotta talk wit each udder dont we. I wuz on a ten minute break the uddere day an it took me tirty minutes to try to tell sum guy I needed to go to the batroom. It aint no good policy."

Personnel Manager Janine Mills, commented, "We have a non discrimination policy here at Franklin, and as a result we offer opportunities to many different ethnic groups, but our mission here is to teach the English language, and that environment is conducive to an all English policy within these hallowed walls. We are firm on this policy."

Harley Ruskin, Head of the Sociology Department and Anger Management Counselor, stated, "Hell we might just as well become a bi-lingual school and let them spicks and chinks and ragheads talk anyway they want to. I thought we wuz trying to learn people English here."

There has been no official reply from the school.

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