WASILLA, Alaska - Well as if all of the anti-gay twittering fiasco wasn't enough to give "Mama Grizzly" Palin an upset stomach now comes word from an inside source that her 16-year-old daughter Willow Palin isn't exactly sure if she will be passing the 'donut' test.
The 'donut' test is a home pregnancy test by which millions of females determine whether they should start planning baby showers or not.
Willow's older sister, the Dancing With The Stars dancing sensation Bristol "The Pistol" Palin took the test three years ago and her HPT showed a whole box of donuts meaning that she was quite pregnant to say the least.
And now Willow, who is now known as Willow "The Pillow" has taken the test and has not as yet revealed the results to her mom or dad who were in California after watching their amazing dancing daughter Bristy kick Brandy Norwood's a*s and make it into the finals of the Dancing With The Stars finale.
Bristol has said that the other two dancers who are competing with her are both going down like a sack of potatoes falling off a damn effen Idaho potato truck (sweet Bristy's exact words).
"The Pistol" noted that Kyle Massey, who she says looks like American Idol's Randy "The Black Dawg" Jackson, except only shorter, not as heavy, and not as black will get his Disney derriere kicked all the way back to the sound-stage where he films his Disney show.
And as for Jennifer "Weepy Weep" Grey, Bristol says that when she gets through dancing rings around the little munchkin she will not only be crying big frickin alligator tears, she will slip and fall on the effen puddle of teardrops that she is going to be shedding on the dance floor.
When asked why she has become such a bad ass all of a sudden, Bristol replied that she just got freakin fed up with everyone saying that she can't dance worth a shit and that the only reason she has survived being in the bottom of the rankings for six weeks is because of her mommy Sarah "Shotgun" Palin, who has virtual control over millions and millions of America's Tea Party Teabaggers.
[EDITOR'S NOTE: Damn. Before it is all over the Palin sisters are going to be giving the Kardashian sisters a run for front page tabloid space.]