Democrats & Republicans Merge To Form Evil Empire Party

Funny story written by Guy Bellefonte

Friday, 6 August 2010

image for Democrats & Republicans Merge To Form Evil Empire Party

During their 6 week recess, Democratic and Republican leaders have agreed to form one Evil Empire Party that will take over this fall.

"We just felt it was easier for the public to listen to one evil organization rather than have to pick one, which is basically doing the same as the other," Republican Leader Dick Gazina said to reporters.

Americans should not fear this new party as they will continue their same agendas of continued excessive spending and serving the lobbyists.

Although the merger will require patience on both sides, the majority of representatives agreed that it was time to be honest with the American public. This new party will also pave the way for some real crazy things that they both have wanted to accomplish for years.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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