Clinton Defends Gore on Sex Assault Charges

Funny story written by Don Fulsom

Thursday, 1 July 2010


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Former President William Jefferson Clinton-the name he took when he was impeached for lying about a dalliance with an intern-has come to the defense of his vice president Albert Gore.

"Look," said Clinton "when an inexperienced massage lady is rummaging around the crotch area, sometime a man can inadvertently get a boner. I wouldn't blame Al for getting a bit aroused when a lousy technique is applied.

"The same thing happened with me and that chubby intern, Miss Lewinsky. Like Al, I got a spontaneous erection when she touched me near there, and its not a man's fault that all his blood drains from his brain to his privates and he can't make proper judgments.

"Give the guy a break! He's getting divorced, anyway. Hope he doesn't mind if I hit on Tipper."

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