Obviously wearing a red wig and big handlebar mustache, Al Gore was spotted this morning in a Sex Toy store in Knoxville, "The Big Boy Toys"!
"Let's see", I've got the Wonderful Wanda and the Fireman's red pump...I wonder what else I need", stated the former VP and soon to be ex husband of Tipper Gore, according to the employee who waited on him, Anita Buzzer.
"It was a little embarrassing as people all over the store suddenly stopped at the sound of that voice as some wandered over closer to the counter while others ran for the door."
"How about that thing back there with the little bullet thing in it that is supposed to make men wild, would you recommend it..oh, I see you're a lady. Can I have a male employee please? I'm..hee hee..a little embarrassed because I've never been here before."
After explaining that she was the only employee there today, Anita told Mr. Gore that she had seen and heard about all the gadgets fully.
She stated he then bought the Optimun Power Thruster, The Leather Feather, The Prostrate Messager, The Double Doodle Ringer, The Hot Tamale Burrito Bedabbler, a gallon bottle of Slick Willie, The Amazing Senso Beads From China ("I hope there's no lead in that thing") The Third Degree Turbo Stroker, The Knee-Bender, The Donkey Doodler and Edible Jockey Strap.
"Guess this is all for today. I may be back tomorrow."