Washington DC - (Ass Mess): The remains of toppled Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein's CIA files are to be buried alongside those of Ronnie Raygun after pleas from Queen Elizabeth for the whole disgusting sordid business to be torched together with George Bush Senior's 1976 attempt at a British military coupt d'etat which forced feckless UK Prime Monster Harold Wilson out of office.
The request comes after Freedom of Disinformation Act 9/11 press enquiries about previously classified Privy Council files showing the original Saddam died during the Iraq-Iran war and was replaced by the Raygun administration with a lookalike client-dictator spawned by the late Shah of Iran.
As America prepares to bury yet another chapter of its dishonorable Republican hystery with the three day state funeral of former President Gerald Ford, House of Mountbatten leeches are lobbying fiercely at the US Ambassador's residence in Regent's Park for the total immolation of lawsuit documents relating to UK criminal proceedings of Ford's wife's Betty who was so smashed and brainless during her husband's occupation of the White House that she believed herself beyond the reaches of the diplomatic police corpse in London.
The papers are understood to relate to intimate correspondence with Saddam officials and discuss the financial nuances of a global smear campaign of senior NATO personnel who got up Betty's sozzled nose once too often.