Expecting to be inflated again by the courts this week, Tom Brady will be able to run for President.
For all those nay-sayers, Tom is old enough to be POTUS.
Others think he hasn't a POTUS to plant flowers in. Sports fans probably don't have a clue what a POTUS is, thinking it may be a Japanese flower floating in a pond.
No, Patriot fans who are not in the Tea Party, it means President of the United States. An acronym by any other name would still confuse voters.
Tom generally receives bi-partisan support in the Granite State where they miss the treasured profile of the Old Man in the Mountain when he crumbled a few years back. Tom has shored up all parts of his face, and we do not expect him to crumble for decades.
Brady's bi-partisan support does not mean he pulled in the transgender vote to all you sports fans who don't follow politics.
Like his mentor Donald Trump, Brady doesn't have to pour his wife's billion into a race. Apparently he spent nothing and received two votes in the Democratic ballot-and two more on the Republican ballot.
Someone up there isn't doing his homework. Tom went to the State of the Union as a guest of President George W. Bush a few years back and is perceived as a Republican among pass receivers.
However, this is good news and an omen for the future. Tom crosses all lines, especially in the red zone and in red states.