Library Van Carrying Porn to All in Buffort County

Funny story written by Bureau

Wednesday, 9 April 2014

image for Library Van Carrying Porn to All in Buffort County

After receiving several calls from irate customers, the head librarian told the library van driver to go right back and bring ALL their books back in or they were in serious trouble.

Soon the police also arrived at the Buffort Library. Seems that they had been receiving a lot of calls also.

"We're getting calls from all over Buffort County about the library books that you have handed out", stated Sheriff Leon Beasley. "Take a look at this one."

The Librarian, a spinster, eyes grew large and she had to be helped to her seat.

She finally told the Sheriff that apparently the van driver had forgotten to lock a side door and some kids...looks like their work, had blotted out and retyped words with crude drawings in at least half of the van's books the night before.

Ms Beeter, the head librarian, told the sheriff about the calls and that she had someone go get all the books that had been put out that day.

"You know what? That means you will have to check every book on that van. For that many, it must have been a gang of teenagers. I've had so many calls I finally left it off the hook."

"Oh, it's worse than that", stated Ms Beeter. "This is Monday. We put different books on there and traded out this morning. We'll have to check every page in every book in the library!"

"Sheriff. Tell everyone who calls that we are closing down...for a month at least. I'll call our board members and see if I can get some volunteers that don't embarrass easily."

"Ms. Beeter", interrupted one of the staff, "I took our phone off line. Some men think this is funny and have started calling in jokes. And Sheriff, you better go outside and say something to that angry crowd gathering out front."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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