Microsoft co-founder and one of the richest men on the planet, Bill Gates, has been arrested for a curious felony, he demands to pay more tax and the US government see this as being a major crime!
In a TV interview, Bill insisted that he will pay much more tax than the required levels even if it meant breaking the US fiscal laws that allow him only to pay a pittance. After the interview the FBI invaded Microsoft HQ, confiscated many documents pertaining to the fiscal felony and Bill was marched out of the building handcuffed and loudly demanding his rights, by two FBI "wardrobes".
They drove him away for interrogation and Bill was last seen hammering against the window of a pitch black FBI, bullet-proof SUV. An FBI spokesman told the awaiting paparazzi that Bill will be released only if he promises to abide by the US fiscal regulations and puts an end to his public ranting about too many US rich people not paying enough tax, it's disturbing the peace.
Bill's lawyer gave the following statement: "When Mr Gates is released on bail, he will jump the country in his private jet, fly to Somalia, Ethiopa + other poor African countries and throw out of his jet millions of US dollars that he originally wanted to give the pathetic US government, f++k Obama and his pea-brained government, said Bill!"
Wanted fugitive, Bill Gates, is now being nominated for the Nobel peace prize 2013; it's a crazy old world we "muy pobres" live in!