David Cameron has discovered that old Etonians belong to the same society as rioters on the streets of London. He also considers moral failings are not confined to the 'underclass of society'.
To equal things out a bit Eton will now be open to young people from all walks of life and the school will come under public ownership. As Bankers have stolen far more money than any rioter they will be arrested and go through courts in record time to make sure they feel the full weight of the law. Magistrates are following public anger and will impose the toughest sentences possible. Several Bankers are due to be evicted from their private residences and their families will now have to work.
These moves came as a shock to Daily Telegraph readers who were always told that there were two societies: Us and Them. David Starkers, an historian who recently went quite barmy, said all the Government had gone black and were speaking in patois learnt from slaves.
As tough American cop Al Capp arrives in the UK to sort out the British Police everyone is preparing for the next Big Fight between Bankers and society.