BBC Director General, Mark Thompson - known to his chums as Rabbit - has been caught in the headlights shone by a murderous Fox. The Trembling Rabbit, his nose quivering with fear, agreed the Fox should have a TV Channel to take on the BBC.
Having signed the BBC's official promise to back such a channel Thompson suddenly felt the Fox's fangs in his throat and expired whimpering 'It's your turn now'.
The Fox, having tasted blood saw Channel 4 as a TV channel to gobble up, starting with a news programme that had upset a number of Fox's friends. The ITV would be next on his menu.
The coast would then be clear for Fox and Sky, with Channel 5 providing a minute a day of the nearest thing to news on any channel.
'A minute a day should be enough news for anyone' chirped Rupert Murdoch 'this will avoid boring, tedious programmes which have become part of British culture for far too long.'