More Naughty Nude Kate Middleton Photos Surface

Funny story written by Bureau

Wednesday, 17 November 2010


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image for More Naughty Nude Kate Middleton Photos Surface
Now Swing The Chandelier Over This Way!

"These are at a party", we were told. "That's our Kate hanging naked upside down by her toes from the chandelier! See the birthmark?"

Yes we did but who said she had a birth mark?

The West Coast Post decided to buy them anyway but we won't publish them until we know she has that birth mark.

Moving along the street I next met a guy in a trench coat.

"Pssst. You with the scandal sheets?"

"Yes I am. You have a bit of scandal about the royal couple's upcoming wedding?"

"As a matter of fact..."

"Is she hanging upside down naked from a chandelier?"

"No mate, she's naked and eating monkey brains. Scooping them out of the poor things head what's been cut open. Eating with her fingers. She could have at least used a proper utensil"

"And what is the proper utensil for eating monkey brains? Never mind."

So I bought these too.

Then after purchasing one that had Kate Middleton naked in the arms of Bernie Madoff, who was also naked, I mailed these off to the Post at the post.

Then I went into The Goose & Squirts and drank some Old Peculiar and listened to nine or ten other nude Kate Middleton poses.

This is Tooter Ben Hadd for the West Coast Post!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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