UK Police officer nicks a biscuit and this spoof "takes the biscuit!"

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Monday, 3 July 2017


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image for UK Police officer nicks a biscuit and this spoof "takes the biscuit!"
Crumbs! Hands off my biscuit Mr Plod!

Now this spoof is actually a news article which takes the biscuit, and not the piss! Yes Jaggedone lovers, this is happening in the UK police force all the time!

A police officer nicked a packet of biscuits from his colleague. He then handed the open packet of biscuits to his other colleagues, being the gentle, kind police officer that he once was. The owner of the biscuits took offence to his colleague nicking them and reported it to his senior officer who then put the "thief" on restricted duties and tied him to the Nick where he is now working!

So as terrorists, thugs, criminals, wife beaters, paedophiles, drug dealers, etc, roam around the streets of London doing their dirty deeds, this officer is restricted to office desk work for a year, and is not allowed to stamp the beat where he once helped catch such dastardly, vicious rascals!

A packet of biscuits has taken the all time biscuit in my superior spoofing career because this spoof is actually happening, and although I twisted it slightly (our editor loves a twist or two), I am virtually left with the crumbs of any common sense, logic or rationality!

Never mind, time for a chocolate digestive to dunk in my tea, that belongs to me, and if anybody nicks it like my missus for example, I'll tie her to the bed; CRUMBS, is that a promise?!

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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