Scientists studying new addictions - reality show addicts causing the breakdown of family life as we know it

Funny story written by Lady Godiva

Saturday, 28 May 2011

image for Scientists studying new addictions - reality show addicts causing the breakdown of family life as we know it
Caution - reality shows are NOT real

Scientists have been conducting studies on people who watch reality shows on t.v. and how their lives differ from those who DO not watch these reality shows.

It has been discovered that people who do NOT watch reality shows are, indeed, living in the real world themselves. These people are well grounded and confident in themselves and their abilities. They contribute well, on a daily basis, to society as a whole.

These 'non reality show viewers' also have a great grasp of what the real world is about and are working - instead of watching the reality shows - on making the 'real world' better for all those who reside in the 'real' world.

These scientists agree that their jobs are extremely difficult and most have family members and close friends who have been 'pulled in' to the reality shows and cannot draw themselves away in order to live a normal life.

Apparently, reality show addicts tend to neglect their families and focus totally on the fantasy lives of 'actors' cleverly disguised as 'normal' people who are put into ridiculous situations, which no-one in their right minds would endure. Viewers who are addicted to such shows do not realize how much these actors are being paid per episode.

There IS help available.

Programmes are being set up in many towns in an effort to bring these reality show addicts back into the real world and return them 'with healthy minds' to their concerned families and friends.

Some addicts need 'interventions' as those seen on t.v. Other can be helped by being encouraged to attend 12 step programmes RSAA - Reality Show Addicts Anonymous.

If you know someone who needs help fighting their Reality Show Addiction, please look up the number in your local Yellow Pages for the RSAA groups closest to you.

This addiction is a serious addiction and can rob individuals of real relationships by believing all of he 'crap' they watch and attempting to mimic these situations in order to bring them happiness.

Scientists continue to study this phenomenon and will keep the public informed for their safety.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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