Medical marvel - breakthrough surgery. Former Canadian PM gets full brain transplant

Funny story written by shea lo

Saturday, 7 August 2010

image for Medical marvel - breakthrough surgery. Former Canadian PM gets full brain transplant

OTTAWA, CANADA: In what is being hailed as a medical marvel a famous former Canadian prime minister is recovering from successful full-brain transplant surgery.

This is the first time in the world that such surgery has not only been attempted but was deemed entirely successful.

Eminent international brain surgeon Brian Cutter said:

"Finding the right match donor was our first stroke of luck. The brain belongs to a super-intellectual who has decided he doesn't need his brain any more, so he decided to switch it with that of the former PM"

The surgical procedure was innovative requiring no incision with no bleeding. The patient is said to have swallowed 27 robot capsules which upon entering the bloodstream quickly surrounded the brain site like a big "fishing net". Surgeons were able to extract the old brain through the sinus cavity - similar to procedures used by ancient Egyptian embalmers - while simultaneously inserting the donor brain which was then quickly connected into the skull cavity by the robots using high-tech lasers and micro-tools.

Dr. Cutter said: "Already the PM is spouting Proust and elaborating on the Pythagoras theorem. This is an extremely important development on Canada's political front"

Sources for Canada's current PM Harper say he too is contemplating a full-brain transplant but due to his govt's inability to get the Medicare system moving effectively "his position remains at the bottom of the surgery list. He could very well have to go through 2 more attempts at a minority govt before his number comes up"

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