New York, NY - (ReUterus & Ass Mess): Internet pet-neutering service has vowed to launch a potent new cyber tool for detecting fetishistic sex offenders who regularly cruise its pages to download footage of pussy-spaying operations.
An advanced prototype perv-detector will hook up with US law enforcement agencies to weed out suspects and known offenders who have escaped previous sweeps.
The exact technicalities are a trade secret but there have been persistent media reports this week that link the website to data bases of ritualistic animal sacrifice organizations in the US bible belt.
A MySpays PR spokesman said: "Animal rites activists have tried hacking into our site a few times but now we're hitting back.
"We are going to name and shame these pervs in our associated World Wildlife Fun website which regularly outs all manner of primate-abusers, goat-suckers and related bestiality aficionados.
"Exploitation of dumb animals on our site has gotta stop."