Need a dice? There's an app for that

Funny story written by IainB

Monday, 18 June 2012

image for Need a dice? There's an app for that
erm....twenty-seven? Yahtzee!

The app that board games and bored commuters have been waiting for, has finally been released by Random Apps of Luton. The world's first shake and slide applelet, iDice, has hit the iStore.

"Brilliant, utterly brilliant," said App World! editor, Mac Buck. "I can think of at least one use for this app, which is the exact one use this app has, making it absolutely fit for purpose and beautifully designed."

Board games and strategy games for geeks and those who know what an orc is, all require dice. Sometimes, so many dice that it looks like a polka dot convention.

"I played some dungeon dragon game when I was a kid," said Buck, "that had so many dice, that I ended up with a vision condition that made me see dots everywhere for a week."

Some dice have more than six sides, some less. The iDice app caters for them all.

"The app allows for the selection of the number of dice, and the number of sides each dice has," said Buck. "It's a very simple interface that even I could deal with. Once set up, the device is shaken, and slid on a smooth surface. The dice rattle and roll, with a realistic side. Once they come to a stop, the total of the dots is added, and displayed along side all the dice."

The dice can be categorised into up to fourteen different colours, providing a subtotal for each total.

"These guys have thought of every combination," said Buck.

The app even caters for single sided dice, or for dice in multiple dimensions for those ultra-geeky gamers that like playing Five Dimensional Risk.

"There is one thing missing," said Buck. "The game could let you play Yahtzee or craps out of the box without having to keep track yourself. That and I've never really liked sliding my iPhone across a smooth table, for those odd occasions when you're left diving across the room to catch some very sensitive electronics as it plunges off the edge of a very smooth table. Still, for five dimensional Risk players, this app is a must!"

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