Book Review - Peter Pan by Some Bloke Called Barry

Funny story written by D P Whitehead

Thursday, 27 March 2014


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This book "Hooked" me from page one, one of the only bright memories of a sad childhood plagued by bouts of bed wetting, temper tantrums and soiled underwear......I really wish Grandma hadn't moved in with us....

I digress.

Peter pan is a kid that never grow up, a bit like Arnold from Different Strokes. However, instead of being adopted by a rich white guy, Peter Pan embarks on a horrendous path of destruction. Really, I didn't like him, his green tights, his whole attitude just stank.

I HATE Peter Pan - anyway, we have the last laugh, because he grows up and becomes Robin Williams.

A Twat. Book Reviewer.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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