PETA Threatens to Sue Lady Gaga for Wearing Meat Bathing Suit!

Funny story written by Bureau

Friday, 14 January 2011


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image for PETA Threatens to Sue Lady Gaga for Wearing Meat Bathing Suit!
Lady Gaga Displays Swimsuit before Jumping into Pool!

Filice DeLinsky, a senior member of the animal rights group, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) has ran an article in the New York Times Evening Edition last night against performer Lady Gaga who was scheduled to wear a meat swimsuit at a hotel pool.

Lady Gaga had invited over only a few friends and had paid for the use of the pool by her party only and promised to wear her meat swimsuit as well as having a small party at the edge of the pool.

So we sent one of our lady reporters, Connie Liberty, who Lady Gaga had given permission if there were no photographs taken of her in her swimsuit.

Here is Connie's report:

I had to go through a pretty tough search before entering the pool area so that there were no photographs taken. I first thought that the maker of the meat swimsuit didn't want to have their creation copied.

However, after talking to a few guests Lady Gaga came through a side door in her meat swimsuit, which was her body completely naked.

At first there was some puzzled guests around me but suddenly there was tremendous applause! Lady Gaga acknowledged the applause, took a bow and yelled, "How do you like my meat swimsuit?"

If you judged by the louder applause, loud cheers and the whistling, I'd say they liked it indeed. The applause finally died down as Lady Gaga dived into the pool and one guy shouted, "That's nice wife has one just like it...or similar!"

This is Connie Liberty for The West Coast Post.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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