Charlton Heston Blumenthal says "Get your filthy paws offa my Fat Duck, you damn dirty ape"

Funny story written by matthatt

Monday, 20 September 2010

image for Charlton Heston Blumenthal says "Get your filthy paws offa my Fat Duck, you damn dirty ape"
it doesnt look all that fat to me.

Telly boxing host, Jim Rosenthal, has started a legal bout of fisticuffs with celebrity chef Heston Blumenthal in court over a £1,300 meal which left him seriously ill.

Mr Blumenthals Obese Mallard had purchased a consignment of dodgy oysters, not realising that they had been contaminated by human sewage, which left the TV pundit and his dinner guests hurling faster than an Gaelic centre forward.

Not appropriately pleased with a paltry six grand payout from the Portly Poultry, Mr Rosenthal took Hestons Fat Duck up before the beak, but the judge cried fowl and said he should be content with the bill as it was.

Still, what do you expect if you ask a company that makes tyres for a living, where you should have dinner?

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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