Aisha, an 18-year old Afghan girl whose nose and ears had been cut off by her abusive husband with the 'blessings' of a Taliban commander - is in the US to have her nose rebuilt.
Aisha, who is the featured on a controversial Time magazine cover is the subject of much discussion among war-monger conservatives and bleeding heart liberals.
Forget the mindless chatter of the Great Idle Gasbags - the cold hard facts are that Aisha had been given away by her family in childhood to settle a "blood debt"- in that Great "Honorable" Afghan tradition - and was then married off to a Taliban fighter. Abused by her husband and his family she ran away only to be recaptured and mutilated by her husband.
Now LayToya Jackson, of the "Mutilated Noses" Jackson family is said to be interested in having her own crumbling nose re-built by Aisha's surgeon.