Paris Hilton Puts Out New Perfume, Nookie #9

Funny story written by Bureau

Monday, 2 August 2010


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image for Paris Hilton Puts Out New Perfume, Nookie #9

A new perfume is being introduced by a company owned by Paris Hilton that is slightly different than most. She is calling it, Nookie #9.

Many a critic has talked about this "Airhead" lady and she let's on that it's true. Meantime she cleans up as men will go nuts purchasing this new perfume. Plus, Ms. Hilton knows that the free publicity will turn this into a winner within months, and will keep the secret ingredient .

"It DID cost a lot but the guys enjoyed working on it. When there eyes got big as saucers and they began to drool, I knew we were getting close", Ms Hilton apparently told reporters today. Our own Chester Ingraham was too busy trying to smell the stuff. But he agrees that was what she probably said.

In recent tests in Paris (of course), a study showed that the smell of flowers were nice but if you want to get a guy's hormones going, try the odor of fresh nookie.

Through tests, it showed increased blood flow to the penis, just like Viagra and Levitra, and even rushes all through the owner, to lighten up the ears and widening the nose. So where the lady prefers the nice smell of traditional perfumes, men love this smell.

The way to a man's heart, and other parts apparently, really is through his drooling.

So congratulations to Paris Hilton for her "Nookie #9". Wonder what the first 8 were?

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