Let the fun commence. It's partytime all over this wonderful world of ours as The Red Scarf Brigade celebrate winning the auction to buy their beloved site.
Red knickers are being waved, ceremoniously, in the air in far corners of the world....in huts and in mansions.....on mud-tracks and freeways, the knickers are raised in joyous salute and celebration.
The scarves stay put. Snuggly wrapped, or draped, around slender necks as tribute to their idol, Subo.
It's still a mystery to many of us living in the 'real' world as to why they didn't just go and start up a site of their own. Why 'buy' one? But then I suppose they all believe in the old adage, 'Nothing worthwhile in this life is free!'
Other true Subo fans around the world, whilst waiting for Subo's 2nd C.D. to be released, they watch and wonder at the antics of The Red Scarf Brigade. Whatever will they come up with next. They're certainly 'caught up' in something. This writer is just not sure what...