Girls Aloud's very own bikini-babe blonde-bombshell Sarah Harding was said to be absolutely livid, spitting feathers, hopping mad, bloody furious, and borderline ballistic as Latino heart-throb Ricky Martin chose to announce that he's gay at the very time that Sarah Harding was starting to emerge as a credible Spoof subject.
Possibly even next in line to Cheryl Cole.
A friend of Sarah's stated that he'd never seen her get so angry. She was said to be even angrier at Ricky Martin than she was at Girls Aloud's Nadine Coyle for failing to provide comfort and succour to Cheryl Cole at her time of greatest need.
Rumours persist that Ricky Martin deliberately timed his shirt-lifter announcement to the middle of the night UK time in order to fuck up Brit satirists with whom he's never enjoyed the most cordial of relationships. It is also considered possible that Ricky Martin made his announcement to mess up Sarah Harding's budding satirical target career because he hates her, because she's slightly more feminine than he is.
Whatever the reason, the smart money in our office says that Ricky Martin is a catcher rather than a pitcher.
More as we get it.