Reuters: Early Monday morning saw Zac Effron, young star of international franchise 'High School Musical', appear from a sex change clinic in Florida. At the same moment his ex-girlfriend Vanessa Hudgens attended a court case accusing Effron of trading his secret for $10,000, the same amount he was charged for the operation.
Hudgens, the simple minded girl, yelled at an angry crowd: 'Zac said his secret was that he wanted to be a woman so I stole some money from his bank account and told him it was from mine!'. Effron claims that the overdraft led to his decision to become even more important as his secret could not be kept for long, no matter what the financial consequences.
Hudgens is currently attempting to claim compensation from Effron for damages to her psychological state after he brought forward mental images of him as a woman to her mind. Effron is also trying to claim compensation from Hudgens' lawyer (a homeless bisexual) for stealing and soiling his reputation ( with hyperactive pre-teens???)
What will be the outcome of yet another scandal caused by this brainless duo, will it be a poorly produced song or even worse, another court case?
One extremely disturbed commuter commented that' the face still looked like his old one but it was skinnier and maybe looked a little more girly, not that he ever looked like a boy!'. Another onlooker stated that ' He was wearing a peach top that Vanessa wore in the second movie and he had jack-ups!' although this peice of ground-breaking news is being treated as a rumour at present.