Nashville, TN With her most recent break-ups with Zac Effron, Tom Hiddleston, and Calvin Harris, Taylor Swift is fretting about running out of boys to break up with. Weighing most heavily on Swift's mind is the fact that she makes breaking up wit...
Zac Efron ripping his shirt off at public events, like the MTV Awards, is not so rare an event according to ZMT. The sexy star was seen the day after the MTV Awards at the Leatherpride Festival in Akron OH. The shirtless hunk was strutting his s...
SHREVEPORT, Louisiana - Kristen Stewart is presently on location in Shreveport, Louisiana, where she is shooting the Touch Rock - Lions Door motion picture, The Smirking Countess. K-Stew stars as Countess Cora DuFidellio and she has stated that wo...
HOLLYWOOD - TouchRock Films in association with Lions Door Pictures has just announced that Kristen Stewart of The Twilight Saga series will be starring with Zac Efron and Cheryl Cole in Luigi Luigiani's epic film The Smirking Countess. Stewart wi...
Zac Efron is not married, yet his break up with his girlfriend is just as disastrous as Michael Jordan's divorce to Juanita Jordan. Micheal payed Juanita a whopping $168 million dollars, which at the time made it the largest public-record divorce set...
HOLLYWOOD - Paris "I'm Hot" Hilton has just announced that she has agreed to star in her very own television beach-police show Baywatch Blue. Paris met with Vodka Vermicelli of iRumors at Le Loins of Joan of Arc French Restaurant in Beverly Hills.
HOLLYWOOD - Executives for Lions Face Films have just informed the entertainment media that production will soon begin on the movie Nemo The Blizzard. The motion picture will be shot on location in Boston as soon as production crews can get to the...
LOS ANGELES - Charlene Belle Pinnzucker, director of the Epitome Network hit The Zombie Chronicles recently said that she has never worked with two nicer, more professional actors than Zac Efron and Vanessa Hudgens. Efron, 24, stars as Sebastian L...
HOLLYWOOD - Charleen Belle Pinnzucker, the producer of The Zombie Chronicles has just announced that Barbados beauty Rihanna will be appearing in an upcoming episode. Pinnzucker stated that Rihanna actually called her up and told her that she had...
HOLLYWOOD - Charleen Belle Pinnzucker the director of The Zombie Chronicles has just announced the two guest stars who will be appearing on the first episode of the new Epitome Network show. Pinnzucker said that she is thrilled that George Clooney...
LOS ANGELES - Taylor Swift was sitting in her luxurious suite at The Mrs. Teddy Roosevelt Hotel in West Hollywood when she heard a comment on one of the local radio stations. The disc jockey had said that country music artist Taylor Swift and movi...
HOLLYWOOD - A spokesperson for The Epitome Network has just announced that The Zombie Chronicles will be premiering in two weeks. The cable series is being directed by noted motion picture director Charleen Belle Pinnzucker who has worked with Dem...
HOLLYWOOD - Lions Door Films in association with Cloud 13 Pictures has just announced a new vampire movie which will star Zac Efron and Michelle Pfeiffer. The movie May-December Hickies is to be directed by noted film director Charleen Belle-Pinnz...
After spending weeks denying that they were a couple and spending most of their time together when not recording duets, Taylor Swift told The Nashville Cats Music Magazine that "Yes we ARE a couple." Why they would not admit it on national televis...
HENDERSONVILLE, Tennessee - Taylor Swift was sitting in her home just relaxing and reading the latest copy of Yippee-Ki-Yay Magazine when she heard a truck stop in front on her home. Taylor glanced out the window and saw a FedEx delivery man carry...
BEVERLY HILLS - Demi Lovato was recently talking to her hair stylist FuFi Fondue as she sat in his Haven of Hair Salon getting her hair trimmed. She told Fondue that over the Christmas holidays she and her little sister had gone to see the new mov...
SHERMAN OAKS, California - The star of Two and A Half Men, Ashton Kutcher, is definitely upset enough for two and a half men. It seems that Kutcher received a Christmas gift from FedEx which he said was actually in one piece but which he absolute...
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