WASHINGTON, D.C. - (Satire News) - Cong. Marjorie Taylor Greene, says that even after Donald Jonathan Erasmus Trump has referred to her as a two-bagger, a wayward witch, an ugly-as-whale-shit bitch, and a cellulite-infested skank, she still cares about him a lot.
She recently told Boom Boom News reporter Hacienda Fiddle that she has decided that in order to raise money to help pay for her ex-lover's millions and millions in attorney fees, she is willing to sell 41 of her huge bras on Ebay in order to raise money for the man she once called "The Orange Penetrator."
Meanwhile the Trumptard has made it known that he has never heard of Marjorie Taylor Greene, much less boinked her dozens and dozens of times as she is claiming.
SIDENOTE: Miss Fiddle stated that of the two (i.e. MTG and DJT), one is a no-good, low-life, lying swamp creature, and the other is married to Melania Trump.