Britney Spears recent break-up with hubbie Kevin Federline has been hot news in the last new weeks. But new pictures of Brit's new boyfriend have caused more gossip than ever before.
Brad Hattering a scientist from NASA was fascinated that Brit's new boyfriend looks so similar to Kevin.
"I had to investigate this, I mean why would you date two people who look exactly the same?" Brad commented last week.
Recent studies have now confirmed that Brit's new boyfriend is in fact a clone of Kevin!
"I couldn't bear to live with Kev anymore but he was so hot! So I stole some of his hair and sent it of to a clone factory in China, and they sent me my very own Kevin, its so cool!"
In fact the new Kevin is so cool he can even rap better than Kevin and has a single coming out in March titled 'I'm better than you'.
Who knows maybe we will be seeing more Hollywood stars being cloned? Two Brad Pitts..... Could we handle it?