
Funny satire stories about Kevin Federline

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Funny story: Britney Spears Screams That She Wants The Newlywed Kevin Federline Back

Britney Spears Screams That She Wants The Newlywed Kevin Federline Back

HOLLYWOOD - Britney Spears seems to have jumped onto an emotional roller coaster that just keeps going and going. The former X-Factor judge who was fired by Simon Cowell literally hit the roof when she heard that her ex-husband, and father of her...

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Funny story: Kevin Jonas Wedding Scandals - Danielle Tells All!

Kevin Jonas Wedding Scandals - Danielle Tells All!

What happens when Kevin Jonas decides to "be nice" and invite the Twilight cast to a party? Not-so-amazing things, I can tell you that. Kevin Jonas's wedding was so private that his wedding was last night and nobody even knew! "We're so proud t...

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Funny story: Vikings sign Kevin Skinner as QB

Vikings sign Kevin Skinner as QB

Eden Prairie - Minnesota Vikings believe they have found an answer to their quarterback woes by signing America's Got Talent singing sensation Kevin Skinner. Skinner who bears an uncanny resemblance to Brett Favre claims to have never thrown a foo...

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Funny story: K-Fed's Feed Bag Fiasco

K-Fed's Feed Bag Fiasco

HOUSTON, TEXAS, USA Kevin Federline is facing numerous charges following an incident at a local dining establishment, the Awfull-Waffull Haus, which advertises an all-you-can-eat menu for $4.99. Federline's problems began when the management requeste...

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Funny story: Is Corn-Fed K-Fed Too Well-Fed?

Is Corn-Fed K-Fed Too Well-Fed?

COTO DE CAZA, CA Kevin Federline got a lot of attention when he attended Ryan Sheckler's X Games Celebrity Skins Classic at the Cota de Caza Golf and Racquet Club on Monday, July 27, 2009 in Coto De Caza, California. Just not the kind he's used to g...

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Funny story: "Kentucky" Kevin Skinner - America's Got Talent's Early Favorite

"Kentucky" Kevin Skinner - America's Got Talent's Early Favorite

LOS ANGELES - Kentucky 'good old boy' Kevin Skinner shuffled onto the America's Got Talent stage, started singing a Garth Brooks song, and he blew the audience and the judges away. David Hasselhoff's mouth fell open. Piers Morgan's eyes opened wid...

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Funny story: K-Fed speaks out against Madge

K-Fed speaks out against Madge

In a statement issued Sunday, July 6th the media shy ex-dancer, turned rapper, turned doting daddy, Kevin Federline, speaks out against the Material Girl and her seemingly psychoactive sexuality:...

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Funny story: Britney Spears wins custody battle

Britney Spears wins custody battle

Britney Spears today won her long-running court battle and was awarded custody of the Trailer. The case has dragged on for many months but she is now the legal guardian of The Eldiss Crusader Superstorm with the additional chemical toilet, that her a...

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Funny story: K-Fed & Justin Timberlake to release Britney Spears tribute album

K-Fed & Justin Timberlake to release Britney Spears tribute album

Troubled pop sensation Britney Spears was buoyed by news of plans to release a tribute album of her work featuring ex-partners Justin Timberlake and Kevin Federline, aka K-Fed.

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Funny story: Britney mind control claims: manager says K-Fed responsible

Britney mind control claims: manager says K-Fed responsible

Los Angeles - (Alimony Mess): Sam Lufti has lashed out at stories he was behind a mind/vagina control trap to drug singer Britney Spears into hypnagogic submission.

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Funny story: Britney Spears Vagina Taken To Hospital

Britney Spears Vagina Taken To Hospital

Former singing star Britney Spears was whisked away from her Los Angeles home in an ambulance today, amid rumours that she cannot cope without the support of her vagina, which yesterday announced that it was retiring...

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Funny story: Britney Spears Net Worth Estimated at $125 Million

Britney Spears Net Worth Estimated at $125 Million

Accountants estimate that the net worth of Britney Spears, rumored to be running out of money, at $125,000,000. Sales of her photos, videos, albums, and signature perfume line are estimated to profit other companies about $400 million a year. If...

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Funny story: Kevin Federline to start coffin making factory!

Kevin Federline to start coffin making factory!

After the death of his pet poodle, Kevin Federline, ex husband of Britney Spears has announced to the world that he is going to start up a coffin making factory in the southern parts of Detroit.

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Funny story: Jamie Lynn Spears - A Horrifying New Drug Scandal

Jamie Lynn Spears - A Horrifying New Drug Scandal

Britney Spears, Britney Spears. Where to start? She had two young boys in two short years, has been to rehab four times, been married for 56 hours, and also married K-Fed (that tells us something). She's been accused of neglecting and abusing her children, has lost custody of them, gotten divorced from Kevin Federline, shaved her head, and has been caught in the act of vandalising paporazzo...

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Funny story: Is K-Fed the daddy of Jamie-Lynn's baby? Has K-Fed joined polygamous Utah sect?

Is K-Fed the daddy of Jamie-Lynn's baby? Has K-Fed joined polygamous Utah sect?

When Britney's younger sister Jamie-Lynn Spears announced her pregnancy before Christmas the rumour mill went crazy. Each day brings more startling news about 16 year old Jamie-Lynn's pregnancy.

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Funny story: Louisiana Shotgun Wedding for Pregnant Jamie Spears

Louisiana Shotgun Wedding for Pregnant Jamie Spears

Jamie Lynn Spears, the actress and pregnant younger sister of pop tart Britney Spears, will be walking down the aisle. The wedding, to take place at the Mule Creek Baptist Church and Bait Shop, will feature the father leading his daughter by one han...

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Funny story: Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant - fears for safety from demented sister Britney

Jamie Lynn Spears pregnant - fears for safety from demented sister Britney

16 year old Zooey 101 'actress', Jamie Lynn Spears is reportedly pregnant, but that is the least of her worries.

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