Saturday night, Steve Jobs, the man solely responsible for the decline and fall of the American Conumerism Empire twittered out that a possible iPhone 4 recall is likely.
Jobs message read: "We may have to recall the new iPhone. This I did not expect." Jobs put this is perspective with his following tweets:
"Memo: Recall the iPhone, then resell them at 150% of retail. We can do ANYTHING! We're Apple. MEMO for internal use only. Do Not Distribute."
"Just saw the Kim K. and Ray J. Tape! OMFG! I wanna draw a map of Hawaii on that ass!"
"Hey, Lindsay, I got a "Jobs" for you to do. Steve Jobs! The Jobs is small, but it pays well!"
The new iPhone 4 just released this week has had numerous complaints from customers about the poor reception the phone has, and some hardware problems, including a lefthanded person's inability to use it, th fact that if held by its metal edges there's no reception, no battery life, no Flash support, no expandable memory, No ability to make or receive calls indoors, no way NOT to use AT&T, etc.
Friday morning, Steve Jobs sent out an email to respond to various complaints about the iPhone 4 reception. (He was going to call the customers with complaints, but he couldn't, because THEY OWN AN iPHONE!!)