iPad Nano unveiled

Funny story written by IainB

Friday, 25 June 2010

image for iPad Nano unveiled
iPad Nano fingers are happy fingers

A mere forty-eight hours after the release of the iPhone 4, Apple have announced that they are taking what they've learned from the iPhone and applying it to the iPad, which will be released on Monday.

Industry analysts have been caught on the back foot at the news.

"There has been no inkling that Apple were working on a smaller version of the iPad," said Barrie Tron of Mobile User magazine. "This makes us amazed that they can get it out of the labs in under on a week. These things normally take Apple at least ten days."

Apple CEO, Steve Jobs, held a press conference this morning showing off the iPad Nano. It was a remarkable piece of kit that does everything that an iPad does, but is the same size and shape as an iPhone 4.

The only functionality lacking from the iPad Nano that is available on the iPhone 4 is the telephone capability, leading several tech-heads to suggest that the iPad Nano is in fact an iPhone 4 with the troublesome aerial removed.

"I reckon that Apple have suddenly realised nobody's going to buy an iPhone 4 if you can't make a call on it," said Tron, "so they've whipped off the second aerial, and presto, no more shorting, but you can still access WiFi."

"Nonsense," said Angela Cake, spokesperson for Apple Labs. "The iPad Nano is just way cool, and a really hot product. Suggestions we're just using it to get rid of defunct stock are nonsense."

"Thing is," said Tron, "I bought an iPhone 4 even AFTER finding out it was a useless brick. Have you seen how awesome it is?"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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