I was quite fascinated when I was looking at the iPhone 4 specifications, and was particularly intrigued by something within the camera. It is called the Backside Illumination Sensor. I just wonder what it really does? All kinds of things were going through my mind and I came to the conclusion that if you were coming into close proximity to a celebrity or someone you think that the sun shines o...
Mega international advertising giant, Dewey, Sellum and Haard was reportedly seen in Japan with Charlie Sheen just outside of the Fukushima nuclear power plant filming what appeared to be a commercial for the new iPhone. Insiders on the photo sh...
Apple computers hinted at the forthcoming release of their iSmell app for iPhone4 and iPad last week when they released the Eye-Eye iris scanner and provided more details this week. Arthur Ramsbottom at the Apple Research Centre in Cleckheaton, Y...
In the cold weather, Apple have identified another problem with the iPhone4, they are unusable whilst wearing gloves. "It's the capacitance of the screen," said chief technical problem solver Ann Droide. "We have tuned it specifically for the huma...
Apple have today unveiled the new 'Girlfriend App." for the iPhone, claiming that it is "a huge leap forward in our bid to control the minds of every human being on Earth." In a conscious bid to move away from apps. that allow people to have fake lig...
The nation's highest court is about to strike a blow against the distended, bloated liver of evil Apple, Inc. et. al. when it ordered the arrest of Apple, Inc. CEO Darth Jobs for 284,001 counts of vandalism; one for each iPhone, iPod and iPad render...
Those of you who are thinking, "Wow, just one day after we find out rapper 50 Cent is marketing a sure-fire solution for getting rid of ants, he's now going to be a hero in the iPhone 4 debaucle. Can it get any better than this in the entertainment A...
Apple is frantically trying to find the glitch in the operating system that is causing its iPhone 4 multi-tasking phones to replicate themselves. "The web is crawling with claims by iPhone 4 owners that they have clone phones replicating at the rate...
Already iPhone 4 owners are being pulled over by the thousands and ticketed for using their new multi-tasking phones while driving, an illegal act in most states. Iphone 4 owners are complaining to Apple that they are finding it necessary to buy two,...
To absolutely no one's great surprise, the Cydia team has leaked onto Youtube a proof-of-concept video showing a jailbroken iPhone, causing grey-market app sellers to rush to develop some apps. "Our first app is a port of the E.T. game from the At...
I propose the following as a new form of punctuation, to be used exclusively when transcribing iPhone calls on AT&T Wireless: The "?^?" The "?^? stands for "Are you still there?" Because every f--king sentence I've ever completed on an iPhone sounded as follows: "Hello, are you still there? I'm leaving to pick up Brisa. Are you still there? You need me to pick up what? Are You still there?...
Early Adopters of the iPhone 4 were annoyed to find that it doesn't work if you hold it in your left hand because it blocks the antenna. But there's another group that is seriously damaged by this flaw: Right handed people who Sext. In fact, 21 pe...
Although the Chinese government has allowed consumers in Mainland China to own earlier versions of the iPhone, they are now cracking down saying that the iPhone 4 is too advanced and could bring more harm than good to the government and its citizens.
Steve Jobs, who played "Gorilla Killed With Boar Femur #3" in 1968's "2001: A Space Odyssey" is still creating self indulgent press releases about the two customer emails a week he bothers to answer. In an e-mail to Jobs on Sunday evening, a cust...
Saturday night, Steve Jobs, the man solely responsible for the decline and fall of the American Conumerism Empire twittered out that a possible iPhone 4 recall is likely. Jobs message read: "We may have to recall the new iPhone. This I did not ex...
The new iPhone 4 just released this week has had numerous complaints from customers about the poor reception the phone has, and some hardware problems, including a lefthanded person's inability to use it, the fact that if held by its metal edges ther...
Technonerds are blogging like mad about the fact that a white Apple iPhone 4 was spotted in a Cental London Apple store, weeks before the color option will be made available to the public. Interestingly, while people were offering double the reta...
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