Price guides now to list 'To' amount, as well as 'From'

Funny story written by Ella Davide

Friday, 2 January 2015

Many of us are weary of Retail Price Guides which tell us an item could cost : 'From' £25, but in reality costs £50. Examples include fashion and furniture outlets.

But here's some good news, Oxford Street Retailers are inviting customers to price-gun sale items, with their own 'ideal limit' price! This would envisage a range of luxury chocolates, say, being listed as 'from £3 to £3.10'

Sounds too good to be true, doesn't it? After all, who wouldn't recommend the lowest price for any item, if given free reign?

There's a Social catch or two , however. Many people surveyed have said that, by the same token, they would not want anything to be 'Too Cheap'.

The other catch? Well, if you wish to do some Price-Gunning on Oxford Street, you must be available from 1 to 3 AM, every 3rd Sunday for the next 2 and a half weeks.

Also, the following Ts and Cs apply:

PRICE-GUNS may not be available at all times.

In the event that volunteer price-gunners are available for work and where Price-Guns are unavailable, Volunteers will be refunded Travel Expenses, up to and including the 'From' and NOT the 'TO' amount of original Price-Targets.

The 'To' amount shall be inadmissible in this instance and/or in any dispute, the Ancillary Staff's Supervisors shall take the Final Decision as Management exempt.


The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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