William Hague - My Fake Diary
Tuesday, 15 May 2012
This was in the Chrinicle letters yesterday:
So, William Hague, Foreign Secretary, urges firms and workers to work harder to get revival of the economy. Is he for real? On Saturday night a brilliant moment of escapism from this bleak administration of a coalition government was realised when Pudsey the dog and trainer mistress Ashleigh won Britain's Got Talent and pocketed half a million pounds. It is a sad day when an animal can win the heart of a nation and the Government inspires only repulsion.
I nominate Pudsey for prime minister, couldn't do any worse, and I am sure HM for once would be amused, if not delighted, after having to read that garbage she had to last week in the Lords.
William Hague is less comforting than a dose of laxatives and equally not as effective in his thinking. This coalition is suffering from terminal constipation!
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