The Pope - My Fake Diary
Friday, 3 August 2012
Compare the two following statements. The first is from a 1954 edition of Playboy magazine, the second is from Pope John Paul II.
Decide for yourself ...
"All sophisticated playboys are interested in virginity…. Most men realize that virginity is an unpleasant little matter to be disposed of early in life…[in taking her virginity,] you are actually doing the girl a service. Some may suggest that you are trying to deprive them of something - trying to take from them a cherished possession.
This is nonsense. Actually, you are giving them a new freedom - a means of enjoying life more fully…. Some difficulties have arisen because of the confusion (in female minds) between virginity and purity. The two have nothing to do with one another, and it is important that you point this out at the proper moment. Thus, armed with our conviction, we are ready to begin.
First, of course, we must select a suitable subject…. Once we've found out subject, we are ready for the approach…. [don't bother with non-virgins because] it robs you of the special pleasure of spreading the good news and that after all is what this article is all about."
- Article from Playboy Magazine (September 1954)
"A man is capable of fully accepting a womans gift of herself only if he's fully conscious of the magnitude of the gift"
-Pope John Paul II
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