Ray Mears - My Fake Diary

Monday, 12 January 2009

If it wasn't bad enough getting a bollocking this morning from the council over me using the tom-toms instead of a cellphone I've had bunch of so-called Celebrity Crusaders round this afternoon too.

What a bunch of dildo's.

One pair of prats called Bono n Geldork reckon they're Saving the World : peace and hunger angle?

Then some other anorexic Geordie pillock with a barnet like a starched hedgehog called Stung or String turns up in a chauffer-driven Chelsea Tractor and the three of them start pontificating to me how it's my duty to join their little crusade.

Whistled up me pack of Namibian Helgremites, they came leaping outa their cave howling n barking, and the celebrity crusaders did an exit stage left in rapid fashion.

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