Napoleon - My Fake Diary

Sunday, 2 September 2012

Oh dear, I noticed this report in the press:

Moscow - Russia is preparing grand celebrations for the bicentennial of the Battle of Borodino between Tsarist and Napoleonic troops on Sunday.

Over 2,700 police agents will monitor the million-euro event the government planned to strengthen patriotism and the sense of national unity in the population at a time of growing social tensions.

About 100,000 spectators, including Heads of State invited from all over the world, are expected to gather in the village just outside Moscow.

The event will reconstruct the epic single-day battle (September 7, 1812) involving more than 250,000 troops when Napoleon Bonaparte led his army against the Russian Tsar Alexander I's militia led by legendary General Kutuzov

I'd sooner forget it altogether...

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