Napoleon - My Fake Diary

Monday, 27 August 2012

More amazing finds today:

A document that requests a sick leave and another requesting promotion - both complete with Napoleon Bonaparte's signature - lay on the table.

To their right was a letter from Albert Einstein to show his support for Hermann Broch's Nobel Prize nomination in literature.

On the left is a sheet of Willa Cather's last handwritten manuscript before her death, complete with pencil scratches and edit marks.

The finds aren't in a prestigious museum. Each one is in the University of Nebraska-Lincoln's Archives & Special Collections, in the basement of Love Library South.

They don't have a count on the collection, but if all laid out, the archives would span 3.1 miles, equalling more than 54 football fields. That's from Love Library to the College of Law, according to the archives' website.

Mon Dieu!

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