Ed Miliband - My Fake Diary

Monday, 7 May 2012

Leo McKinstry wrote in the Express:
The Labour Party's dramatic recovery in recent weeks represents a brutal indictment of the Tory-led coalition.
Only two years ago, Labour suffered their worst general election defeat since 1918.
Tainted by sleaze, woefully led and wracked by divisions, the party was widely loathed for its politically correct dogma and its reckless profligacy, which had dragged Britain to the brink of bankruptcy.
Yet now much of the electorate seems willing to ignore Labour's catastrophic record in power.
Yet this revival has not come about through Labour's adoption of a sensible new set of policies. Indeed, the party remains as intellectually hollow as ever. Awkward and irresolute, Labour leader Ed Miliband still fails to convince as an alternative Prime Minister!

The swine!

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