Burka Burning Mommas and Burkinis at The Ramadan Inn

Funny story written by Jaime Morales

Monday, 16 August 2010


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Early this evening the United States announced that they will be opening a military base across the street from Mecca. This brand new facility will be home to Americas' latest fleet of aircrafts and helicopters. Short range missiles armed with nuclear war heads are already in place..

A twenty hours a day hotel/night club "The Ramadan Inn" is set to open a block away next week as well. The grand opening act features great local talent The controversial performer "Jalalaba Buhari and the Burkets" will be the guest of honor. They will perform their number one Arabian peninsula hit "Burka Burning Mommas".

A Catholic church, a Pentecostal and Jehovah's witness house of worship will be joining forces to create The Sinai Christian Mall not too far from the same facility.

Tomorrow Israel is expected to announced plans to build two synagogues in the city of Medina and a chemical weapons complex next door.

In the wealthy city of Karbala (Iraq). a casino strip is on the works, several topless bars and gentlemen clubs will entertain the local pleasure seekers.

For certain women will want to leave their Burkas home and bring their Burkinis when they attend "Hunkamaniah, and" Hellwith Sharia" bath houses. A twenty Riyal fee will be charged at the door. All ladies under thirty years old will receive a free burkini wax up.

Internationally known Spanish dancer Bonnyfaceo "pepe" Grande is considering the opening of a male alternative life club just around the bend from the "Hunkamania"

I'm sure peace loving Muslims throughout the world will understand that this is all an effort from America to promote love and tolerance the among Judeo-Christian and Muslims faith throughout the world. For sure their people and political leaders will be as opened minded about this project and will support it just like Americans will support the controversial mosque at ground zero

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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