Washington AC/DC - (Bigamist Ass Mess): The sordid Clinton impeachment cover-up continues with the news today that the Supreme Court nominee who defended Bill Clinton in the Paula Jones lawsuit knew that 'his only legal marriage' was in 1972 to a British woman by whom he has two children.
Elena Kagan's notes about the sexual harassment lawsuit that triggered Clinton's impeachment are being gagged by the Clinton Presidential Library on highly spurious national security grounds.
British security services have always maintained that Kagan had also seen classified documents showing Clinton 'killed his hotshot American wife Hillary' and substituted Rose Law Firm Vince Foster's wife Susan 'because she was a virtual doppelganger'.
Foster died in an apparent suicide in a Little Rock parking lot, two bullets piercing his skull in the still unexplained incident.
This left the real Mrs William Jefferson Clinton in the UK handily poised for a megabux blackmail scenario.
Lonbdon cops confirmed today the woman is a British sex worker whose MI5 codename is Glenda Glob.
In 2008 the CIA and FBI refused to confirm or deny reports that Glob has been the subject of intensive surveillance regarding her connections to a Pyongyang money laundering gang that leeched off Bernard Madoff for many years.
Lady GaGa is 69.