Utah Approves New State Slogan

Funny story written by Zack Matheson

Thursday, 4 October 2007

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SALT LAKE CITY, UT -- Yesterday the Utah State Legislature voted unanimously to change the official state slogan.

Until yesterday Utah had two state slogans, but neither one seemed to be on the mark. Many in the Legislature just didn't think that either "Utah! Where Ideas Connect" or "Life Elevated" embodied the true essence of Utah.

After a statewide contest to create a new state slogan came to a close last week, the Legislature decided to adopt the slogan created by Olaf Bismark, a used car salesman from Ogden.

The new Utah state slogan is "Utah: It's Just a Little Whiter Here," though everyone in the Legislature was quick to explain that it was in reference to the large amounts of snowfall usually seen in the Wasatch Mountains. "Greatest Snow on Earth" was a former slogan that was recently abandoned by the State Legislature.

Sharon Singleton, one of thirty seven African Americans living in Utah was thrilled by the new slogan. "Utah: It's Just a Little Whiter Here? Now there's truth in advertising."

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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