"Crocodile" Havers causes havoc in the Jungle

Funny story written by Tommy M

Sunday, 21 November 2010

image for "Crocodile" Havers causes havoc in the Jungle
Nigle havers in disguise

"Charmer" Nigel Havers has brought excitement to the jungle with what can only be described as a truly extraordnary performance.

In an attempt to spice up what was a boring start to "I'm a celebrity get me out of here" Mr Havers performed a stunt from the movie, Crocodile Dundee 2.

Howling loudly, he ran through the camp in the middle of the night and threw a bag, containing an assortment of twigs and dead leaves, into the tent of Gillian McKeith.

McKeith, half awake and beliveing the twigs to be snakes, responded with hysterical screaming that continued until the camp doctor was able to gave her a sedative.

McKeith was later transferred to Hospital where her condition was described as stable. It is expected she will now leave the show.

Mr Havers was unrepentant, "If she can't take a joke, she shouldn't have agreed to participate in the program." he is reported as saying to the shows producers.

(First reported on Tommys satire blog Wednesday 17thNovember)

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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