Tory hopeful David Cameron was left red faced this morning after realising he had spoiled his own ballot paper.
When talking to the press outside Spelsbury Memorial Hall in Witney he smiled widely when asked who had got his vote.
"Well I can tell you who didn't get my vote, all the other candidates. I put a big X in the box next to all of their names. I was the only one without an X next to my name and it felt great!"
When a reporter pointed out that by doing this he had spoiled his ballot paper Mr Cameron rushed inside and reportedly begged those in charge to open the voting boxes and let him recast his vote.
Refusing to bend the rules for the possible Prime Minister polling station staff were forced to ask Mr Cameron to leave after he attempted to break into the ballot box, reportedly shouting "But we need change."
With the now, very real possibility of a hung parliament, Cameron will be relying on every single vote, except it seems for his own.