Window Dressing

Funny story written by Ben Macnair

Sunday, 7 June 2009

image for Window Dressing
Mark's and Spencer's gain is our loss.............

Following her leaving Parliament, thinking Politician's crumpet Caroline Flint has a new job working for Marks and Spencer as a Window Dresser.

Ms Flint, 37, and 'lovely' according to the three politicians who are remaining is said to be pleased with her new job. She told us: 'It is great. All of this news of a recession, and I walked into this job pretty much straight away. My letter was on the desk of Mr Brown, when I had a call from Marks and Spencer. I start on Monday.

Gordon Brown could not be reached. It is understood that he is currently looking after a small bear that causes noting but trouble, but everyone loves him. A pair of Wellington Boots, and a Duffle Coat were on his expenses form.

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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