It has been leaked that a tragedy has occurred within the Big Brother house.
A well known celebrity died when Reese Witherspoon tripped on the staircase and her large pointed chin harpooned one of the celebrities who was loitering at the bottom of the stairs near the toilets.
Unbelievably, the deceased, speared celebrity will still participate in the house with the help of computer wizardry, special effects, voice overs and puppet wires attached to the corpse.
No comment has been given to say which celebrity is dead, but it is believed it will be possible to pin point the culprit as the show progresses due to the very nature of bloating and discolouration associated with decomposition.
A spokesman said "It'll be interesting to see if a cadaver can win the contest. If we can pull this of we really will be resurrecting some forgotten celebrities career in every sense of the word".
Ulrikakakakaka "Many Men" Johnsonn, was undeniably upset at the tragedy "I was looking forward to putting that long narrow chin to good use. Its highly unlikely now."
A visibly upset Reese Witherspoon has withdrawn from the show.