England manager, Italien Fabio Capello, refusi to singi "God Save The Queen!"

Funny story written by Jaggedone

Friday, 28 May 2010

image for England manager, Italien Fabio Capello, refusi to singi "God Save The Queen!"
Wayne thinks the whole idea is a 'looda ol bollocks,' spoken in his language and best pigeon SCOUSE!

Italien England manager, Capello has told the FA, the Royal Family and the England fans, "don't expecte mio to singe de national anthem, i italiono et no engleesi, prima verdi!"

This statement has caused quite a stir at "stiff upper lip" FA England headquarters and Buckingham Palacio!

Every english representative is expected to sing his lungs out for the Queen, but Fabio cannot, he loves Presidente Berlusconi and his home bella Italia.

This situation is turning out to be a bit of a dicotomy, Fabio is really doing a good job with the English team but the English, being very loyal to the their Queen (not to their wallets), demand that all England players, and technical staff, sing.

A bright spark at FA headquarters came up with a brilliant idea to solve the dilemma; The infamous Brit punk singer, Johnny Rotten, wearing a Capello wig is going to "double up" and sing his version of "God Save The Queen" for Fabio during the ceremonies and as soon as the opposition play their anthem a quick nifty swap will take place, tricky my son tricky?

Fabio in his best pigeoni Engleezi said; "grande idea, ti amori it and now i haz no problemo wiz the Queen so i canna becomi Sir Fabio ze Firste, bella madonna et grazzi, ti amori Engleeezi!"

The funny story above is a satire or parody. It is entirely fictitious.

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