As the Mob members said in The Godfather, it may be time for one team to hit the mattresses.
Yes, that smell is actually the Celtic version of Clemenza making meatballs for the gang as they wait to go to war. Mrs. Ray Allen would not approve of this culinary approach for getting ready.
Doc Rivers is now giving Rajon Rondo some good advice right out of the movie: "Take the cannolis, and leave the gun."
Nothing could be worse for the Sixers than waking up for Game 3 and finding a horse's head under the sheets. As Rondo said after the game, "We wanted to send a message."
Yes, a horse's head in bed with you is a message. More likely, the Sixers feel like they are now the other end of the horse.
If you see Brando Rondo running up and down the floor with cotton balls in his cheeks, do not be alarmed. He is waiting for his big closeup.
Despite his arm being in a sling, Sonny Avery wants to take out the crooked Philly cop by shooting threes.
The man pulling the strings on the Big Three is clearly the Celtics' Godfather. If Brando Rondo doesn't given Ray Allen the ball, it could be that Ray has not kissed the hand of the Godfather and paid his respects frequently enough. No, Ray is not a Fredo.
Every godfather must have an enforcer. In this case, it is bellicose KG whose demeanor smacks of killer instinct. He may be asked by the Godfather to do the dirty work, as befits his role.
Every godfather must have a consigliore, or mouthpiece, and Paul Pierce will have to do more than his usual taunting and running off at the mouth.
Brando Rondo is still planning a big finish when he will put all his enemies to rest in the Finals. Right now he is just warming up before he takes on the other mob families in Miami and Los Angeles. And, we don't mean those guys with the videocameras.