2 unshaven, tattooed, fallen footy icons, entered our club last night after failing so miserably and observing a 'change of the superstars footy guard', which manifested itself in front of millions of footy fans yesterday; qui, qui!
So, to cheer them up, and being completely mad, we allowed females with hairy armpits into the club to tickle their fancies with their hairy, exposed parts!
Sadly, they had seen enough of men's hairy butts over the last couple of desperate weeks in Russia and puked when seeing beach beauties flashing their hairy armpits! They demanded all hairy women be thrown out, with their Billie razors, beards, and armpits, otherwise they would stamp their feet even harder and boycott our wonderfully insane club.
The owner, a sad, pathetic, and totally insane footy fan called, Jaggedone, bowed to their wishes and ejected all women with hairy armpits and beards because even though fallen footy icons have fallen deeply, they still have plenty of bucks and, that is much more important than supporting women's hairy armpits!
Volga Olga, also helped eject the army of hairy arm-pitted beach beauties because she is bald and 85 years old!