The BBC have given the go-ahead for TheSpoof to create a web-documentary, studying the effects of email in the workplace and, in particular, how they can land you in hot water.
We began the investigation by asking the general public in the street about any unfortunate incidents they had encountered. We quickly found that up to 25% of you had been fired from your jobs for inappropriate emailing.
The first example was Mr John Bobbet. He was fired from his job after a second warning. The first warning Mr Bobbet had received was in an email and was about his generally poor timekeeping. The second warning came as he replied to the first warning.
"It wasn't my fault! Mr Bobbet told us. "They framed me! The first email was about me being late in on the morning, and was entitled 'tardiness'. So when I replied to the email, the subject became 'Re:tardiness'. Apparently the boss thought I was calling him a retard."
We also came across a Phillipa Fryer, who had a similar experience.
"Oh, I wasn't even given a first warning. I simply forwarded a really really extremely laugh-out-loud funny email about the male genitalia. It was entitled: 'Really silly and laughable facts about a man's penis'. I thought it was just fine, but the boss fired me for it on the spot. Of course, back then we were a 2-person company, so he was the only other recipient."
Our last stand-out example of problems that emails can cause oneself, came from Doctor Emelius Brown.
"It was a crazy morning, I can tell you. I was so fried from the previous night, what with experimenting....and so on - you don't need the details. Anyway, I came into work in the morning and I get a load of hassle straight away. So I wrote an email saying 'You are a f***ing stupid b***h' and sent it to the boss. I waited for that 'You've got mail!' beep to echo across the room, and then I grabbed my hat and left."
The study will continue.